
Start of Summer

I've been out of school for two weeks now, and it has been really busy! Here are a few highlights:

I decided to be domestic, and make strawberry jam. I had never done it before. Well, I once "helped" make raspberry jam with the Freckleton's. 
By help, I mean I stirred the sugar and poured the jam into jars...

Turns out, it's so easy! I don't think I'm ever buying store bought jam again.

 Malone loves being apart of things, especially cleaning and yard-work. The other day, I was watching Levi mow the grass, and I had to snap a few pictures of his "helper"

So, my goal for our backyard this summer is to get all the weeds pulled. I've spent a few days out there, and filled a few garbage cans. So far, I'm pretty pleased!

Not sure why that tree died...

 Last weekend, Jordyn, Bart and the kids were in town. We had so much fun!
Levi enjoyed some cuddle time...

 On Memorial Day, we got to take Mike and Lisa's new boat out. It was great! It fits us all! 
Here we are with Payton and Jordyn. It was a little chilly!

Levi with Bennett

Here we are with Payton

Summer...Here we come!


April Fun...!

So, April went fast, right? It feels like I blinked, and there it went! 
I can remember some fun things we did though...

 We had a blast at the Bon Jovi concert.
 Thanks Brad and Terri for the tickets!

We also took a fun, quick trip to Phoenix for some baseball. 
Here's an even quicker recap:
Our seats for Fridays game. 
It was a beautiful night for baseball, they opened the roof!

Here are the two palest people in Phoenix...
and probably the most tired (11 hour car ride?!)

The next morning we got up and went
 to our favorite place to eat in AZ... Over Easy

We got an order of Waffle Dogs, which are 
sausages dipped in waffle batter, and fried. YUM! 

Our seats at Saturday night's game

Levi, admiring Chase Field from our seats at Sunday's game

Right above the Diamondbacks bullpen

I was also admiring the field, just from a different perspective... 
I had to take advantage of the "All You Can Eat" seats... :)

We love you Phoenix, and I'm sure we'll be back soon!

On our way home, we decided to go through Vegas, 
and once that was decided, another stop was decided for us...
You don't just go through Vegas, and not stop for 
Earl of Sandwich!

YUM! So worth prolonging our 
drive home in the middle of the night!

Malone stayed with Mike and Lisa while we were gone, 
and he had a good time with their dog, Charley.
This is pretty much how he spent Monday...

The other day, Levi left for a little bit, 
and I came around the corner to find this:
That's loyalty! Love my Malone!