
End Of Summer 2013

So, it's been a while since I've updated this thing... I've been kinda busy!

The rest of our summer went by really fast, but it was so much fun! I started a new job teaching Kindergarten in August. You might not think that switching from preschool to Kindergarten would be that hard. Trust me, it is! I had four years under my belt with Head Start, and I was really starting to feel like I knew what I was doing, like I had some seniority.  I never did student teaching in an elementary school, preschool is all I've ever known. Stepping into this new role as a Kinder teacher, yet I don't really know what they do in Kinder...(please don't tell the parents!) I feel like I did going from a senior in High School to a Freshman in College. I am clueless! I'm figuring it out, and last night I wasn't bombarded with dreams about school. My kids are amazingly smart and cute. I love them already! 

Before I went back to work, Levi and I took one last trip down to Phoenix. This time we headed to Vegas on our way back, and stayed the night. We enjoyed laying out at the pool, delicious food, and probably the "coolest" show I've ever seen. Went went to Cirque du Soleil's One, a show dedicated to Michael Jackson. If you enjoy his music, you have to see this! It's just amazing, and made me want to cry that he is gone and no longer making music. 

Fun summer... I'm always ready for Autumn when it gets here!