
Meet Goldschmidt

So, Levi and I love Malone with all our hearts. He's like a child to us. We've done all we can to give him a great life, but we've always felt a little sad for him. All the other dogs we know are little dogs, who are afraid of Malone's energy and size. He's as sweet as can be and would never harm anyone or thing on purpose. We've been talking about getting him a friend to live with, someone that can run and play with Malone. 
At first, we were thinking of getting another big dog, but then we decided another big dog might be too much for us to handle.

 Instead, we found this little cutie:
Meet Paul "Goldy" Goldschmidt Freckleton 
He goes by Goldy, Schmidty, or Goldschmidt... :)
(Paul Goldschmidt is a player for our beloved Arizona Diamondbacks)

At first I was worried that Malone might eat this little Cockapoo... instead, this is what happened:

Malone is in love...

Goldy was a little scared at first when he met Malone, but they quickly became best friends. I think I stopped worrying about Malone with Goldy when I watched them play tug, and I noticed how gentle Malone was being. I mean, he did drag the puppy around a few times, but Goldy just held on for the ride. Malone just lays there while Goldy bites his tail and ears. So far, I think we made the right choice.

We're getting used to him as well. He's adorable, but I think after this, We are DONE getting puppies. Never thought I'd say this, but I prefer Malone's demeanor over a puppy! House training and crate training are so time consuming! Once he grows up, I'm sure he'll be as great as Malone. 

On another note, we took another trip to Phoenix! It was great! 3 games in 3 days. This time, for two of the games, we sat on the front row!


Dirt, sweat, and a little blood...

Here's a little look at what I've been doing this summer...

(Anybody want a tire filled with cement? Use it for tetherball...!)

I'm taking a break now...