
Spring Break

So, I'm on spring break right now, and it seriously couldn't have come any sooner. So far, I've been really good, and not been too lazy :) I've done a little work in the yard, just cleaning up all the dead stuff, getting the lawn ready for some seed. We are hopefully getting our sprinkler system fixed this week, so we can have an easier time keeping our grass green this year. We looked into putting in a basketball court... but that will have to wait a few more years haha! I hope that this spring we can get our deck in. We have all the Trex material, just gotta get it assembled  Sometimes it feels like it will never end! Today was rainy, so I spent the day inside, cleaning bathrooms, and doing some painting... yes, we still have unfinished painting projects from when we moved in! Have I mentioned how much I love our house? It is so great the way we have it, but there is still so much I dream of doing. This summer I want to stain the kitchen cabinets. 

Levi has been busy with school, and keeping his options open for employment. Changes are in store for us, one way or the other... I'm hoping for one way more than the other... but we shall see!

So, Levi reminded me of some pictures I took, and never put on the blog. I really need to be better about updating this thing more often. Back in January, we went down to the South Town Expo Center. We've been going to Expo shows this year, and I actually really like them. This time, Levi and Mike went to the gun show, and Lisa and I went to the home show. Levi ended up with this treasure to add to his gun collection.
It's an AR-15. I think he is gearing up for the zombie apocalypse... 
We have been watching the Walking Dead a lot lately...

Then, in February, Taylor and Katie invited us to a Grizzlies game. Those are always fun! During the game, a puck came flying out at us, but luckily we have fast reflexes and ducked. Levi walked away with a game puck, though!

Ok, so now onto what you all really want, cute pictures of Malone, right? 
Well, I hate to break it to you, but we got rid of him.... 
April Fools! 
While we have threatened him that we are going to get rid of him (only when he is really naughty) I think it would break our hearts. I sometimes wonder how lonely life would be without him.

So, one of my favorite things to snack on is popcorn. For our anniversary, Levi got me a 
hot-air popper, so I usually use that to make popcorn. I always share with Malone.
As you can see by this picture, popcorn is one of Malone's favorite treats, too! He even knows when I'm sneaky and make it in the microwave:
I just love him!

He's been enjoying the warm weather, too. We've been going for really long walks when I get home from work. He's doing better at not pulling me :) Often times, I'll come into the kitchen and find him just laying by the back door. Sometimes he goes out when I find him here and open the door. Most of the time, he just lays there and looks at me like, "What?" 

The other day, we had a guy come to spray for bugs. Then, I left to go to a Relief Society activity, so Levi put Malone outside so he could do some things around the house. About 20 minutes later, Levi opened the door to let Malone in, but he was nowhere to be found. He called for him...no answer. So, Levi walked around to the east side of the house, no Malone. Over to the west side of the house...the gate was open, and of course Malone was missing. Levi was so scared. He ran out to the front yard, and heard some commotion of dogs down the street. For those of you who know Malone, he is soooo friendly. He will run up to anything that moves, to try and be it's best friend. A lot of people and other dogs take this the wrong way, and Malone has even been bit because of this. So, of course, Levi's immediate fear was that Malone had ran off to make friends, and was causing a fight. He then looked up towards the house, trying to figure out what to do....and there was Malone, sitting on the front porch, waiting for Levi to call to him! When Levi told me this story, I just couldn't believe it. I would like to know if any people had walked by while he was alone, and just stayed on the porch... Malone is such a good boy!

Yesterday was opening day of baseball, so of course, there is a game on as I'm writing this post. I went through the pantry when I got home from the grocery store and found a bag of peanuts. I gave them to Levi to snack on before dinner (which is going to be hot dogs and garlic fries, our new tradition) and when I walked into the living room, this is what I found:
These guys are so cute, and the best of friends. Life is so good right now :)